The implementation of the selection of providers of goods / services from the announcement of the auction to the announcement of the winner is carried out by the Banten Province ULP Working Group in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Regulation number 54 of 2010 and all its amendments. The use of the Electronic Procurement System protects Pokja ULP from intervening when evaluating bids, although this is also not without drawbacks. One of them can be seen from the existence of auctions and selections that were declared failed because none of the participants met the requirements specified in the procurement documents. The number of unsuccessful auctions and selections within the Banten Provincial Government since 2012-2018 was 1441 packages with an average of 206 packages / year or as much as 26.24%. The highest number of unsuccessful auctions and selections occurred in 2014 as many as 475 packages and the lowest in 2017 was 33 packages. The causes of the auction and selection failed as follows: Failed to pass the evaluation of 525 packages or 36.43% bids, did not pass the qualification evaluation of 216 packages or 14.99%, errors in procurement documents were 215 packages or 14.92%, no provider who submitted offers as many as 212 packages or 14.71%. The number of bid documents that entered was less than 3 bidders as many as 193 packages or 13.39% and other causes as many as 80 packages or 5.65%. The root cause of the auction and selection failure in 2012- 2018 in the Banten Provincial Government is viewed from the procurement actors involved, namely Budget Users, Commitment Making Officials, Procurement Service Unit Working Group and goods / service providers among others: Budget users in Regional Work Units acting as PPK, the inability of goods / service providers to manage Human Resources management who prepare bids, asset management related to storing company documents such as company experiences and other documents which has become a standard requirement for an auction and selection.