Genetic engineering, the latest offshoot of biotech, furnishes medical sciences with an ability to design and invent living organisms as well as to observe and analyze their function However, this genetic engineering leading to process of cloning, stem-cell research and reproduction innovations, which are being heralded as new age wonders in bio-medical technology need to be contemplated with an ethical-philosophic vision to ponder over the pertinent query, Whether we are crossing thresholds into improved existence of a long and very healthy living or are we metaphorically opening Pandora’s box? In my paper, I have tried to raise a few concerns that need to be deliberated upon by lawyers, policy makers, scientist, researchers, common public and academics before new life forms and world view become an actual socio-cultural reality. The queries about values and virtues in the context of the quality and dignity of life and human relationship in relation to the continued research and advancement in bio- medical technology i.e., in genetic cloning form the integral part of this paper.