At present almost a quarter of the young people in the EU are to be found in the situation of risk of poverty and social exclusion and in Romania, the situation is even more serious: 45.2% of the young people are in this situation. One of the main causes of this situation would be difficult access of young people to a place of employment. The objective we have in the work is to analyze public policies intended for professional integration the young people in some other European countries in order to find out to what extent Romania can be gathered from their experience, may adopt principles, standards which have been proved effective in these countries and which could improve the situation and at national level. The work will be structured in two main parts. In the first part we will make a comparative analysis of the measures applied in some European state, the results obtained and the possibility for their acquisition in another socio-economic context. In the second section we will examine the measures integration young people applied at national level.