What to do with death drives? Ecology, fascism and subjectivity In this article I argue that we are undergoing an unprecedented unleashing of death drives on three levels simultaneously: 1) There is the release of death drives at the level of global ecology (climate change, the general ecocide; 2) There are the death drives at work on the political level, which must be understood as fascist function; 3) And finally the death drives that, through communication technologies and social networks give rise to what I call armored subjectivity, that is to say subjects whose mental life has been immunized against the encounter with otherness. Hence the questions that my article strives to answer: are we living through the coronation of the death drives? If so, how might we divert them from their destructiveness? How might we oppose the power of ecological, political and psychic death? To oppose to the subjectivities that armor themselves, the fascism that organizes these subjects, and to the geo-power that feeds them with energy, I propose adventurous forms of existence for which life cannot be reduced to a program of conservation.