he panacea for socio-economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa is enshrined in the development model of the South. Developing nations have the responsibility to opt for their specific development interests. Development, as dictated by the west over the years through International Financial Institutions has not delivered socio-economic progress in SSA. Current development politics in SSA demands fresh thinking and the consideration of development inspiration from the South, notably the development experience of China, Brazil and others. Using the theory of the developmental state, I will argue that given the current record of development thinking from the North, imposed on SSA over the years, development philosophy from the South is best suited to unleash socio-economic progress in SSA, through technological transfers, but also because the southern approach is context specific. My remarks will elaborate on the theme of south-south development. SSA is endowed with abundant natural resources. What is needed to make development happen is technology, an educated workforce, capital and a strong state bureaucracy that sets the development vision and oversees the development agenda.