After being discussed in 1929 with Husserl as referent and Heidegger as co-referent, Eugen Fink’s Dissertation “Vergegenwärtigung und Bild” has been published in 1930 on the “Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung”. In his study, Fink works out a careful and methodic inquiry of basic notions of Husserlian thought regarding the time-consciousness. The paper analyzes the main theses of Dissertation, paying particular attention to the fist and wider part devoted to presentification, a concept that means all mental processes, which make present what belongs to the sphere of the past, the future, or the possible: memory, expectation, imagination, and dream. Through a comparison with the investigations that Husserl himself addressed to the topic of not-presence and unreality, we aim at casting light on the radical detailed analyses introduced by Fink, with special focus on the original changes concerning the phenomenological status of dreaming.