Booktango (
Hypotheses Fingo is the culmination of over twenty years of following developments in theoretical physics, enriched with correspondence exchanged with leading names in the field. A postulate and four hypotheses are formulated which remove the infinities afflicting the cosmological singularities of Hawking and Penrose, resolve Zeno's paradoxes of motion and find the elusive elastic solid nature of space that makes it possible for light to be transmitted as transverse waves. Relativity - Special, General and Galilean and that which Isaac Newton shied away from: action-at-a-distance are also discussed. Arguments that will re-direct our physics to the kind of path laid down for us by Newton and Einstein will be of interest to those frustrated by the way modern day theoretical physics has gotten lost in the wilderness of strings, bubbles, parallel universes, higher dimensions and other esoteric mathematical, physical and magical constructs. Part of the goal is to stimulate younger minds to ask those naughty questions in class that will create unease and make their teachers scratch their heads with discomfort in the hope that dogmatism about what is false in current theory is exorcised leading to a better understanding of physical reality.