This text is present as a snip of a set of reflexions that composes a dissertation that inserts itself in the current discussion around the place given to children and childhood in the space destined to childhood education in the city of Caruaru – PE, from the understanding of the teacher's discourses that work in that level of education. This work has as an objective to capture the discourses attributed by the teachers of Childhood Education to the children, to the childhood and to the Childhood Education, focusing on the discourses which have subsidized the teachers’ forms of intervention in the space/time of Childhood Education. In this context, we have bound as our investigative field Municipal Centers of Childhood Education in the city of Caruaru – PE (CMEIS), from which it were contemplated 06 Educational Centers and interviewed a total of 12 (twelve) teachers. As a methodological procedure, we used semistructured interviews and for data analysis we supported ourselves in theoretical-methodological contributions of the discourse analysis. We start with the assumption that, despite the changes and the proccess of resignification ocurred in this field, including the own understanding of child, childhood and Childhood Education, the school of the children/childhood is assuming a link with the childhood that inserts it in a chronological time, associating it to the future, to a dubious minority. From a theoretical view, we start from the questioning of the very notion of childhood and Childhood Education, its meanings and the implications of those in the field of child education. The analyzed discourses, distributed in discoursive networks, generally speaking, present various statements and temporalities to the childhood, the child and the Childhood Education, but not excluding ones. Although in all the discourses is possible to identify an enlargement of the concern with tha place of the child, the childhood in the practices of Childhood Education, it shows evidences of permanence so as of changes in the form of discourse to the child, the childhood and, consequently, the Childhood Education. The data, therefore, express a diversity of meanings and interpretations, but indicates how much the school and its subjects still lack of a more assertive relationship with the child and the childhood.