The study was conducted to compare manual and computerized software techniques of data management and analysis in educational research. Specifically, the study investigated whether there was a significant difference in the results of Pearson correlation, independent t-test and ANOVA obtained from using manual and computerized software technique of data analyses. Three null hypotheses were formulated accordingly to guide the study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design where several data were generated by the researchers and analyzed using manual and computerized software techniques. The data were generated to suit the required data of each statistical method of analysis. CASIO fx-991ES PLUS NATURAL DISPLAY scientific calculator and statistical tables were used for manual analysis; while data analysis tool pack of Microsoft Excel version 2013 were used for computerized software analysis. The results of the analysis revealed that both manual and computerized software techniques yielded the same results for Pearson correlation, independent t-test and ANOVA. It was concluded that though both manual and computerized techniques are reliable and dependable, computerized technique is faster and efficient in managing and analyzing data than manual technique. It was recommended, among other things, that any of the techniques should be used without fear when computing Pearson, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA as it is the same results that will be gotten.