In John Atelwhoble Undie, Joel B. Babalola, Bello A. Bello & I. N. Nwankwo (eds.),
Management of Higher Education Systems. Calabar: University of Calabar Press. pp. 986-994 (
Academic publishing refers to the action taken by individuals or organisations to make scholarly materials publicly available. The research process is not complete and relevant until research results are made available to the public through publication (Owan et al., 2021). The essence of any scholarly venture is to create knowledge or modify existing knowledge. Knowledge cannot be said to have been created if the scholarly output is stored on a personal computer accessible only to the author(s). Through publication, other scholars or the general public become aware of the finished product of a scholarly venture. Scientific publications are the lifeblood of science because they serve as fertilisers for other scientists to think (Clapham, 2005). New hypotheses are generated, rebutted, or verified by publishing new information in the scientific community. In academic settings, the number of publications a person has to their name is commonly used as a proxy for their level of career success.