In our age, which in different quarters has been termed postsecular, discussions on the theme of political theology have assumed very vigorous dimensions, and the importance of the interest in this question cannot be overestimated. But then, what actually are we to understand by ‘political theology’ and by the qualification ‘postsecular’ attributed to this age? Contributing to the ongoing discussions from a philosophical perspective, this essay first of all clarifies these central concepts. It then identifies pluralism and the need for the definition of the epistemic status of political theology as the most critical challenges facing political theology in our time. It sees in the conception of the Church, especially as expressed in her social teachings, what should constitute the legitimate relationship between theology and politics. According to this perspective, theology cannot be dissociated from politics, neither can theology be reduced to politics nor vice versa. Rather their encounter is through an anthropology, a social philosophy and an ethics which, philosophically, are completely able to stand on their own bases.