Older adults’ growing use of the internet and related technologies, further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has prompted not only a critical examination of their behaviors and attitudes about online threats but also a greater understanding of the roles of specific characteristics within this population group. Based on survey data and using descriptive and inferential statistics, this empirical study delves into this matter. The behaviors and attitudes of a group of older adults aged 60 years and older (n=275) regarding different dimensions of online safety and cybersecurity are investigated. The results show that older adults report a discernible degree of concern about the security of their personal information. Despite the varied precautions taken, most of them do not know where to report online threats. What is more, regarding key demographics, the study found some significant differences in terms of gender and age group, but not disability status. This implies that older adults do not seem to constitute a homogeneous group when it comes to attitudes and behaviors regarding safety and security online. The study concludes that support systems should include older adults in the development of protective measures and acknowledge their diversity. The implications of the results are discussed and some directions for future research are proposed.