"The vigilant worm" about G.S. A frying pan, having deeply become entrenched in human nature, having come to an understanding of the anthropological crisis, as a result of surviving, is now very technogenic in civilization. For the vigilance of the “vigilant worm”, the culturologist beat the humanistic instrument with the visionary philosophies, religion, morality, mystery, art, praise to the faithful, holy, kind, good-natured. For the sake of meticulous law є zernennya of today’s suspension thoughts to the historical access to their predecessors, who should take revenge on their spacious human potential potential. Yogi osmislennya zalysha naysuttvіshe zavdannya, scho stand in front of the philosophical attainment. At this zv'yazku vivchennya creative creativity Spadshchiny G.S. The frying pans look like they are more relevant than those of the philosopher, but they are also wider - the most humanistic.