History of medical ethics in India
India has been blessed with a glorious code on medical ethics since the days of Caraka and Susruta . This Ayurvedic code embodies the criteria for a good teacher and who should study medicine. It also offers counsel on behaviour with patients and their relatives and pointers that can be used by us when dealing with such issues as brain death and organ transplantation. Especially striking is the emphasis on transcending the needs of the body, mind and intellect in order to reach a state where the cycle of birth – death – rebirth is broken.This ancient code is reflected in the codes set up by Buddhism and Jainism – offshoots from the Hindu faith. The Islamic code of ethics was not as well defined in India. Based on the teaching in the Koran, the Muslim doctor was expected to do all he could to save life and promote morality.Modern Indian doctors appear to have forgotten their ancient heritage. The Medical Councils in New Delhi and the various states have failed to ensure a high moral standard in the medical profession