Among the possible ways of gaining moral knowledge, moral perception figures as a
controversial yet fruitful option. If moral perception is possible, moral disagreement is
addressed not by appealing to principles but to the process and the objects of
perception, and moral progress occurs not through deliberation but by refining one’s
perceptual faculties. The possibility of “seeing clearly and justly” is at the heart of Iris
Murdoch’s thought, but Murdoch herself does not put forth a systematic argument for
this view. In this paper I propose an argument for moral perception based on
Murdoch’s philosophy, while engaging with contemporary debates in moral perception.
The key idea I take from Murdoch is that perception is conceptually laden, where
concepts are understood as ways of grasping the world according to human concerns.
Murdoch’s position enables us to solve a difficult tension: explaining the motivating
force of perception while maintaining objectivity in ethics. This view of moral perception
also constitutes a radical position in the debate, where even the most optimistic
defenses appeal to the supervenience of values on facts. If Murdoch is right, however,
we perceive complex properties, including values, directly, so that appeal to
supervenience becomes unnecessary and some of the grounds for the very distinction
between fact and value are put into question.