On Thomas Aquinas's Idea of Happiness as the Fu Jen School's Last End of Life
The purpose is that ethical practices had a "good life" or "goodness of life" . And "happiness" , Aristotle called "the world's best, noblest, and most fun thing" is that good or realm of life The whole word; "happiness" because as the ultimate goal of life, and therefore bound to become one of the core concepts of philosophical ethics. This article by Thomas Aquinas on the "happiness" view: focus on the ethical behavior of style - "people", a tremendous amount to discuss, "What's happiness?", The first to take the usual "negative" type of way to exclude things that do not belong to happiness; and then to analyze, propose a dialectical approach can be used as a positive well-being of the things that people, when the test response to "What is happiness?" The base source of the problem. Fu Jen Catholic school building as the ultimate goal in life Discussion of an experiment. The purpose of ethic practice is to lead a good life. An happiness (εύδαιμονία, eudaimonia in Greek and beatitude in Latin; "the best, the noblest and the most joyful thing in the world" in Aristotle's eyes, is the all-inclusive term of such a life. As the last en of life, "happiness" is inevitably one of the central concepts c philosophical ethics. Through Thomas Aquinas's views about "happiness," which is to focus on the subject of ethical practice-human: persons, we discuss in details "what men's / women's happiness is." Firs we employ Aquinas's negative methodology to rule out the things that don't qualify as happiness; then we will suggest in an analytical an dialectical way what qualifies as happiness for men / women , in wishes t answer the essential question: "What is happiness?" This can be one c the concepts on which to construct the Fu-Jen School's last end of life