The hypothesizes this article suggest that the constitutive elements of Pentecostalism are sufficiently heterogeneous, malleable and dynamic to enable reappropriations and diverse modes of identification, from a critical and intrinsically political dimension, both at the individual and collective levels. For the present study, we will analyze the case of a Pentecostal community in the city of Buenos Aires, the Centro Cristiano Nueva Vida, with the purpose of investigating how institutional dynamics, the performances of Pentecostal subjectivity and the resignification of theological discourses, serve to the promotion and construction of alternative political positions. To this end, we will focus on two central themes. First, how the CCNV understands its Pentecostal identity from a disruptive dynamic, both in its religious and socio-communitarian dimensions. And second, the reappropriation of discursive elements -especially within the Evangelical/Pentecostal theological matrix- that operate in the CCNV as instances that enable resignifications in terms of socio-political practices and meanings.