The Cartesian thinking self may seem indisputably real. But if it is real, then so thinking, which would undercut mental fictionalism. Thus, in defense of mental fictionalism, this paper argues for fictionalism about the thinking self. In short form, the argument is:
(1) If I exist outside of fiction, then I am identical to (some part of/) this biomass [= my body].
(2) If I die at t, I cease to exist at t.
(3) If I die at t, no part of this biomass ceases to exist at t.
(4) Therefore, no part of this biomass is identical to me. [From (2), (3)]
(5) Therefore, I do not exist outside of fiction. [From (4), (1)]
One reply to the argument is that the self is an aggregate of electricity in the brain which disperses upon death. The rejoinder is that this, at best, describes the thoughts realized in the brain, and not the subject who thinks the thoughts. A second objection stresses the undeniable sense that the thinking self has a location. In reply, the extended thought-experiment from Dennett’s “Where Am I?” is used to show that the sense of self-location may well be illusory.