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This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the problem of transformation of postgraduate pedagogic education in the light of the specific expression of philosophical research. The feature of modern philosophical approaches to professional and postgraduate education is approaches, the essence of which is to find ways of synthesis of the positive ideas of two major trends of modern philosophy of education: philosophy of harmonious integrity and relativistic – pluralistic philosophy. The positive factor in the first holistic direction is the desire of his supporters to create a single, coherent theoretical system of pedagogic activities based on the harmonic solution of the entire set of contradictions; the negative factor is exaggeration of the role of individual educational needs of the subject of education. The ideas of the second direction of modern philosophy which essentially are anti-holistic as they emphasize the uniqueness of the individual, his creative abilities, also have disadvantages. Therefore, our task is to find the synthesis of these approaches that enables to analyze adequately the transformation processes of modern postgraduate pedagogic education. Transformation processes taking place in the system of postgraduate pedagogic education, require profound theoretical and practical developments. Claims of the society to effectiveness of professional activities of teachers remain and determine resistance of «call» to post-graduate education system – to strengthen its orientation on fundamental changes in the willingness of teachers to solve practical problems of modern school education. As the current trend of postgraduate education teacher community says about overcoming misunderstandings between the results of postgraduate education, which are traditionally recorded in its process and in outcome indicators and the expected teachers’ success in future professional career. Recently there have been an active search of ways to improve activities in the retraining of teaching staff, in particular in the context of increasing their professionalism, but it should be noted that these developments are only in the direction of psychological and educational activities. As a part of the development of philosophical investigation of socio-cultural context advanced training of teachers is not available.