Medical Deontology
Anything a medical professional can do—medical practice, biomedical research, medical teaching, etc.—requires strict adherence to the ethical guidelines laid down by international (Helsinki and Geneva Declarations) and national (NMC, ICMR and Health Ministry) regulatory bodies. And this applies to all disciplines of medical practice, like allopathy, AYUSH, etc. It is commonly observed that not only many medical graduates but also senior medical practitioners are lacking sufficient knowledge to deal with the ethical and medicolegal issues related to their area of practice. Medical ethics—such an important topic but neglected in almost all conventional medical textbooks. Hardly, one can find a dedicated chapter on medical deontology and ethical dilemmas in any Forensic Medicine Textbooks in India and nearby countries. This book discussed all essential tenets of ethics required by a medicine graduate, a clinician, or a paramedic professional. The highlights of this chapter are medical deontology, 360-degree discussion of Medical ethics vs. professionalism vs. medical etiquette, universal principles of ethics, ethical dilemma in clinical practice, ethical issues in medical research, gene manipulation, stem cell research, e-pharmacy, etc.; important latest declarations and guidelines, e.g. ICMR Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research and Stem Cell Research (2017), the amended Geneva Declaration (2017), etc.; and the most awaited highlight of this chapter, the ‘Clinicians’ Corner’. This includes answers (that can’t be found in regular textbooks) to queries clinicians face in their day-to-day practice.