In open scenarios, agents willing to cooperate must impact the communication barrier between them and their unknown partners. If agents are not relying on any agreement about the meaning they ascribe to the symbols used in the conversation, semantic misalignments will arise on the discourse domain as well, thus making the communication impossible. In wide and heterogeneous scenarios offered by the Web (and its newborn semantic incarnation), traditional and meaning-safe methodologies for communication need to keep abreast of new dynamic communicative interaction modalities. The uncertainties arising from communication between actors which base their behavior on different and heterogeneous knowledge models have to be taken into account, wisely balancing the extent of “reachable knowledge” with the trustworthiness of its information. Main objective of this work is to augment the FIPA Ontology Service Specification with linguistically-aware methodologies for communication, describing a wide-scope framework for multi-agent systems design, semantic integration and coordination.