From expressions to ecstasy: Understanding the phenomenon of experientialinteraction between the performer and audience in dance
The act of dance appears as a pattern of conscious movements in space and time,
but a dancer who has the ability to go beyond the limits of space and time (experientially)
can bring about a non-local experience of oneself and the audience
making it an ecstatic communion. In this paper, we are interested in examining the
extent of subjective experience of a dancer and his audience; hence, we take up a
case study in first-person to understand the performer-audience interaction. For
this purpose, we chose Indian contemporary dancer Astad Deboo, an artist who
is known to create such a magical two-way interaction consigning his audience
as well as himself to a state of being mesmerized. The art of creating a non-localexperience seems to be his forte, where the audience can feel him within, while he
feels his audience within. To explain this phenomenon, we propose the resonance of
inner experiential states of the performer and audience as the underlying mechanism
that creates a non-local interaction between them. To validate the present hypothesis,
one must subject both the performer and observer to experimental studies, which
involve simultaneous tracking and monitoring of the active zones in the brain associated
with performing and performance viewing. In the above context, it would also
be interesting to see if there exists a point of time during the performance event,
where both these subjects report similar active zones in the brain.