The restructuring of social relations which life has made necessary, the liberation from all anomalies and deformations and from everything that contradicts the foundations of the socialist order that accumulated in our country during the years of stagnation, and the orientation adopted by the Party toward a maximum utilization of social potential in the interests of all-around development have placed the question of restoring the moral health of society among the key and top-priority problems we have to face. The Party slogan "Begin with yourself points up the fact that a quite exclusive function is reserved for Party morals and Party ethics in the processes of restructuring: to purge the Party and society of all that is polluted; to achieve a moral reputation for the Party member that is always pure and honest; to implant the spirit of Leninism in all its fullness among the Party ranks; to impart a Leninist style to the activity, the conduct, and the very life of Party members; in other words, to genuinely and effectively assimilate a Leninist Party ethics. This is what all these things mean for practice