Heidegger On Gelassenheit
Minerva 10:94-112 (
Martin Heidegger’s Conversation On A Country Path About Thinking deals with the concept ofGelassenheit experienced as the essence of thinking, a thinking that is not intended as representing, asself-determining thinking, but is conceptualized as “meditative thinking.” Meditative thinking is thekind of thinking that thinks the truth of being, that belongs to being and listens to it. To understandGelassenheit as the essence of thinking means to have a different and more radical insight into theessence of who we are. The aim of this paper is to investigate what Heidegger means by Gelassenheit,but not proposing an answer to a “what is” question. This paper is instead an attempt to enact a thinkingtransformation that through a close reading of Heidegger’s work will lead us on that path towardsGelassenheit, on which a different understanding of man’s innermost being can be glimpsed