The article examines the philosophical foundations of posthuman communication studies – a new branch of the science of communications aimed at studying the nature and structure of technobiomaterial interactions, communications of material and digital actors, their characteristic mechanisms and trends of mutual influence of forces and processes (both human and non–human), leading to the exchange of actions, affects, emotions and meanings, circulation of energy forces and intensities, material formation and discursive diversity, and, thereby, to material changes – multiplication of the possible through the implementation of its specific invariants. A number of changes that necessitate the institutionalization of posthuman communication studies are analyzed: a new understanding of the «human subject» (rejection of the idea of Cartesian subjectivity); revision of the understanding of information (information as a «formation» / procedural generation, rather than a fixed set of data); expansion of the specifics of understanding the processes of interaction and communication (from exchange of information between subjects to process formation and circulation of affects between bodies / objects). A number of philosophical, research and applied theoretical ideas that influenced the formation of the conceptual sphere of posthuman communication studies are considered.