Tra eticità, moralità e religione. Il “male e il suo perdono” nell’opera di Ricoeur
This essay explores – by drawing on published and unpublished sources – a singular and until now neglected aspect of Ricoeur’s confrontation with Hegel’s legacy: i.e. his interpretation and productive appropriation of the well-known dialectic of evil and its forgiveness, developed by Hegel at the end of Chapter VI of the Phenomenology of Spirit. The investigation identifies the constant reason, which feeds Ricoeur’s interest for this figure of Hegel’s Phenomenology, from the Symbolic of evil to Oneself as another: i.e. the will to overcome the limits of Kantian moral vision of world and evil. At the same time, it highlights the shifts, which mark Ricoeur’s initially very critical interpretation of the dialectic of evil and its forgiveness, concurrently with the transition to the second phase of his hermeneutics, centered on the notions of “text” and “action”. On this basis, the article examines the productive appropriation that this new and rehabilitative interpretation feeds, by inspiring Ricoeur’s reflection both on “difficult forgiveness” and on the “tragic wellspring of action”, i.e. on the unavoidable tension between universal moral norms, ethical particular contexts and individual’s conviction. At the same time, the article highlights the limits of this appropriative mouvement, by focusing on the irreducible and persistent divergences between Hegel’s and Ricoeur’s concept of evil and forgiveness.