Verita e intenzionalità: Un percorso husserliano
The article analyses the concept of truth from the point of view of intentionality as it was developed by Edmund Husserl. The first step of the analysis consists in deploying the specific features of intentionality in the sense of directedness of the consciousness towards something, with its constitutive moments such as the intentional object, intentional sense, quality or different modes in which an object is given. The intentional living experiences conceived in this way are therefore objectifying acts charged with a certain claim for truth. The justification of that claim can only be found in the original given-ness or in the intuitive fulfillment. Truth is the fulfillment of an empty signifying intention. Through the extension of the concept of intuition to the realm of the categorial, there is also an extension of the notion of truth. Truth is the noematic correlate of evidence understood as synthesis of coincidence. In this sense truth is the fulfillment of the intention of a state of affairs. Truth has a 'history' made up of different syntheses of coincidence which occur in a passive way. The passive syntheses guide or determine the way the categorial acts are performed and organized. They structure the prepredicative experiences necessary for the constitution of the predicative knowledge of truth