Granì 19 (8):167-172 (
The article analyzes the concept of the classic study of the essence of the conflict. These concepts of understanding the nature of conflict, the author proposes to classify on the basis of developed by T. Schelling, who considered that «the main dividing line is between those that treat conflict as a pathological state and study its causes and solutions, and those that take conflict for granted and study the related behavior». So, according to this classification, concepts divided on such traditions: the tradition of understanding of the conflict as a social pathology (O. Kont), and the tradition of understanding of the conflict as a natural social phenomenon (G. Zimmel). Singled out within these traditions are the main approaches to the nature of conflict: functional, pragmatic, interactionistical and axiological. According to the functional approach (G. Zimmel), conflicts fulfill certain positive features. A pragmatic approach (L. Coser) considers conflicts as a necessary part of society as if they carry any benefit. Conflict as threat to the security value is considered by axiological approach (G. Lutsishin). Conflict as a reaction to society answers - is the essence of interactionistical approach (W. Thomas). The author discussed in detail the process of transformation of the essence of the classical traditions of conflict at the macro-level conflicts. It is noted that the transition from local to global level conflict takes on meso-level, ie glokal. The necessity of the study not only the impact of global conflicts in the society, but also the development of methods to control and effective management of the consequences of these conflicts. Moreover, the author focuses on the fact that, despite the large number of attempts to create a new theoretical foundation in the study of problems of regulation of global conflicts a complete picture of the problem has not yet been created. Creation a complete picture of lighting the problem of control global conflicts requires an interdisciplinary approach. Postclassic stage in the study of the nature of global conflict is ended, and now begins a new multiparadigmatic stage, which presented the works of modern researchers, such as I. Bekeshkina, A. Belokobylski, V. Glazunov, Ye. Golovakha, R. Dodonov, M. Lepskiy, A. Ruchka, R. Khalikov and others. At this stage, the study of hybrid, integrated and cross-spheral wars and formed multilateral diplomacy as a solution to wars. Thus, in the history of the development of ideas about the nature of the conflict, it is possible to allocate three stages. The first stage is a classic, it representatives of which are O. Conte, K. Marx, G. Zimmel. The second stage is post-classical, represented by such scholars as P. Sztompka, G. lutsishin, N. Luhmann, M. Zelenkov, V. Zavalniuk. The third stage is multi-paradigmal, not formed yet, but actively developed by modern sociologists as I. Bekeshkina, Ye. Golovakha, A. Ruchka and other.