Organizaciones de Los juicios de realidad en el lenguaje natural
Theoria 4 (1):13-30 (
All the acts of behaviour are judgements of reality (held by subject on the object). The first stage in th:is judgesment is denotative (judgement of facts). The second is connotative (judgement of value). Denotative judgement contains 6 components: diacriticity, organization, identification, naming, specialization, timing. All of them have to be provided with values of truth. Value of truth of denotative judgements derives from their value of truth in context. Context is a consensus space. Thus, subject denotes object starting from theory of context he holds. As far as psycho(patho)logy is corcerned, starting from a theory of perception -instead of a theory of denotation- has been a decisive setback