A suspicion about libertarian free will is that freedom is undermined,
rather than supported, by the positing of indeterminism within processes
of volition. In response, this paper presents a way in which
moments of indeterminism can enhance freedom, by showing how
such moments can genuinely belong to the agent. The key idea is that
of putting the imagination to work in the service of free agency. The
suggestion is that indeterministic processes of imaginative
generativity can both belong to an agent, and provide a ground for
claims of freedom. In contrast to Robert Kane’s libertarian proposal
of locating critical self-forming actions in special moments of rational
choice, freedom-friendly indeterministic moments of self-shaping are
instead posited within processes of imaginative generativity in which
our future possibilities are imagined. This incompatibilist alternative
to traditional libertarianism is briefly compared to Mele’s modest
libertarianism, and defended against a selection of likely criticisms.