Aesthetical aspects of the state are researched. Special attention is captured to the essential difference between the mechanisms, instruments and essential characteristics of the aesthetization of the monarchy prince and democratic leader. The main aim of the research is to show the aesthetical way and nature of the political power representation in different historical epochs: pre-TV and mass-communication. The methodological basis of research is the political-aesthetical approach to the political objects, comparative methods, historical method, the complex scientifi strategy, which combine the theory of the political myth and rituals, the theory of emotions in politics, the discursive paradigm and theory of the aesthetical judgment. We could approve the idea, that the representation of political power and its impersonations is based on the irrational nature of the political judgment, which is itself the aesthetical judgment and formed by the same way. The main instruments of political representation are political myths, rituals, metaphors, which are realized by aesthetical tools, for example: music, art, literature and other. The aesthetical tools play signifiant role in the process of the embodied and vitalization of the political ideas, values and tasks of the political power and its personifiations. The results of this research could be used in deeper conduction of the aesthetization process and its specifi in different political systems and conditions. Conclusions of this research may be used in the theoretic reflction and in the practical policy. The main conclusions, which we can do on the basis of this article are the next. First of all, we could formulate the defiition of the political power aesthetization as the getting aesthetical experience through the political action and vice versa. Secondly, the result of the political power representation is the political judgment. Thirdly, aesthetical instruments allow the incorporate, revitalize, change, legitimize the values of the political authority and political order in the monarchy and in the republic.