This chapter begins with a discussion of the historical development of the field of neurofeedback, applications of neurofeedback, and the brain model underlying neurofeedback. It then considers the subjective response reported for neurofeedback. People's experiences vary for the two kinds of training: the higher-frequency training done under eyes-open conditions, and the lower-frequency training done mostly under eyes-closed conditions. Neurofeedback, by giving access to mental states in all their specificity and variety, opens the door to new treatment options for the psychologist that are congenial with, and complementary to, existing psychotherapeutic methods. By relying so strongly on the client's own resources, and by drawing benignly on the client's experiential repertoire, the prospects for therapeutic success are enhanced. Almost beneath notice, the client's resources for recovery are reinforced. Through the higher frequency training, the physiological underpinnings are strengthened and stability is enhanced, whereas through the lower frequency sessions, the psychological reserves are replenished and impediments to healthy functioning are allowed to subside.