The papers of this Axiomathes special issue were presented at the “Lisbon International Conference: Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century—Challenges and Tasks”, which took place 4–6 December 2013. The conference was organized by the Center for Philosophy of Science of Lisbon University , the only research center exclusively dedicated to Philosophy of Science in Portugal, with the propose of surveying the main challenges and tasks for Philosophy of Science in the 21st century.The selection of papers now presented corresponds to one of the topics pointed out by the Lisbon Conference due to its high relevance in the current philosophy of science: metaphysical problems of science.We know that metaphysics was a philosophical discipline much before it was a concern for philosophy of science. We also know that metaphysics has a long tradition in Philosophy even before Philosophy of Science became a specific area of research. However, we know that independently of some more speculat ..