Dialogo 3 (1):88-103 (
In a recent suggestive description of our society we are warned of the impact of the relation between Religion and Society upon humanity: „The changes in the last quarter of a century that comes at the end of the millennium are, to an un-researched extent, great religious insurrections. The state of the world depends on more and more heavily upon man’s religious condition. The millennium started on a secular note, progressively emphasized to the atheist globalization, which combines hedonism and the „gospel of the market” with Marxist communism, to close down on n incredibly pure religious note, that is, in the exactly opposed note. Thus, the „pagan” millennium draws to an end, exhausting the illusion of the great European para-religions and pseudo-religions, from the rationalist one to the individualist one or the Marxist atheist one”. The rebirth of the interest for Religion and for the increasingly powerful global assertion of the a Religious Movements reveals the fact that – without the need to cultivate false prophecies on conflicts between religions or civilizations – the religious dimension will evidently play, an increasingly important role in conflict situations and it might even be a source of conflict with consequences upon the process of globalization.