The question of the professionalisation of the actors often makes debate because it could imply that an actor who professionalises is not a good professional even that he is not qualified. This position is all the more reinforced when these actors live moments of professional transition, where the doubts and the uncertainties come to push aside their professional identity. How consequently as well as possible to accompany them at best in these moments which re-questioning? This article aims at showing how by a reflexive plan of training- action an approach of professionalisation can be, a process of construction of the subjects which allows them to become aware of their luggage of experiment, their professionality and, on the other hand which contributes to the construction of their posture of apprenance. It is about a process in movement which joins in the philosophy of the training and the orientation throughout the life, in which the subject has to recognize itself as an actor in the work, as an author of its work and as a subject in work on its constructive activity supporting its development thus.