The special issue you have in your hands arose from a somewhat peculiar premise: we
preferred not to be very clear, beforehand, about what it was going to be about. It may seem a
risky bet for a “thematic” issue, but the truth is that we only had a set of concerns related to the
cultural imperative of monogamy that, on closer inspection, did not even seem to point in the same
We knew, for example, that we did not want to focus on polyamorous relationships, open
couples or free relationships, nor on ethical or political non-monogamy, consensual or non-
consensual. Nor did we want to focus on the relational styles of swinger networks, kink sexualities
or BDSM. Neither did we want to focus on the proposals of relationship anarchy. In the same way,
we did not want to dedicate this issue to the legal life of monogamy, nor to the intimate relations
between state, citizenship and mononormativity. We also decided not to limit our proposal to
exploring the intersections - and tensions - that arise between resistance to monogamy and feminist,
anti-racist or LGBTQIAPN+ struggles. Similarly, we did not feel it appropriate to devote this issue
to something like the study of “non-monogamy” in Brazil, Abya Yala or the multiple souths of the
planet, or to the possible coalitions between decolonisation and de-monogamisation of the world.
It is true that we wanted to open up a space where we could talk about all of this, and other things.
But, above all, we hoped that this issue would serve to raise a question that underlies these topics
without ultimately being reduced to any of them.