Phenomenology And Realism
The author poses the question concerning the role of the phenomenological approach in human understanding of the world. He points out to ethical motives behind Edmund Husserl’s thought, as well as to his idealistic approach both to the problem of the existence of the world and the issue of time. He also demonstrates Husserl’s gradual coming to a grasp of the difficulty in constructing of a discipline which would be able to deal with condition of man and his world from a detached point of view. According to the author, development of Husserl’s thought, as well as some works of his followers, show that the basic object of phenomenology gradually becomes the problem of understanding human freedom and of the proper way of conduct. This seems to justify Stephan Strasser’s idea of phenomenology as a ‘fundamental moral philosophy’. Key words PHENOMENOLOGY, REALISM, HUSSERL, STRASSER