The subject of the study is the Sonata for flute and piano "Pan's Flute" by J. Mouquet. The purpose of the study is to consider the traditional pastoral techniques that the composer uses in his composition. When writing the article, both general research methods (analytical, deductive, inductive, etc.) and musicological (holistic, intonation, harmonic, genre, structural and compositional) were used. Methodologically important in writing the article were the works of A. G. Korobova. Based on the works of the scientist in the Sonata of J. Muke analyzed the pastoral topic of the composition, and also determined its pastoral model. The culturological approach was carried out on the basis of the research of V. V. Azarova, O. A. Gagarina, V. A. Zakharova. With the help of him, certain French traditions were derived in the article, which influenced the work of J. Flour. In the scientific article, for the first time, an attempt is made to analyze one of the most famous compositions of J. Mouquet – the Sonata "Pan's Flute". In this work, two aspects are considered in detail – verbal and actually musical. In both aspects, there are connections with the French pastoral musical and theatrical tradition, as well as a commonality in the symbolic interpretation of neoanticism and neobucolics with the works of C. Debussy. During the analysis, it was found that J. Muke applied an anti-politicized pastoral model. Pastoral topics are found at different levels of composition – intonation, tonal-harmonic, textural, timbre, formative, dramatic. This article can be used in the field of art criticism for further study of the work of J. Mouquet, French music of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries and in the study of pastoral musical works. Analysis of the Sonata by J. Muke will also be useful in performing practice for a better understanding of the composer's idea and the dramaturgy of the composition.