A study of the topography of Delphi in late antiquity in concert with a study of the pottery, chiefly discovered during recent excavations, casts decisive light on a period in the sites history that is little known and largely ighored in the bibliography. Delphi thus appears as provincial town of moderate size, but more extensive than in previous periods, especially towards the west. The sacred area was transformed into an urban area and the most imposing buildings, public and private, were regrouped around the sanctuary enclosure. The stratigraphie data and the finds, both ceramic and other, indicate a life that was rather calm and comfortable until the last quarter of the 6th c, then an interruption followed by a resumption of activities until the first quarter of the 7th c, when the town was abandoned by its inhabiants. Several types of pottery were made on the spot, evidenced by the discovery of a potter's kiln, refuse dumps, moulds and wasters.