Jalal al-Din Dawani and the Revival of Suhrawardi's Philosophical Thought
The school of Shiraz deserves to be studied for several reasons. It links the School of Maraghah and the School of Isfahan. Moreover, it has revived the Ishraqi tradition and the Iranian-Islamic identity in philosophy. In contrast to some orientalists who believe that Islamic philosophy died with Ibn Rushd, the School of Shiraz managed to continue this philosophical tradition and introduce a number of prominent philosophers in the intellectual history of Iran to the world.One of the distinctive characteristics of this school which has not been studied as it should have is the Illuminationist tendencies of some of its important philosophers such as Jalal al-Din Dawani and Qiyath al-Din Dashtaki. Both of them had reacted to the grand book of Hayakil al-nur and wrote commentaries on it following two different approaches. This work is one of the important books of Suhrawardi on Iranian-Illuminationist philosophy which connects him to the Shi'ite-Isma'ilite's point of view. During the period of decline after the 6th century 'Allamah Dawani and the Dashtaki family paid attention to this work as the reviver of Iranian-Illuminationist philosophy and identity and extended Suhrawardi's important ideas which had been presented in three fields of Illuminationist philosophy, the theory of Imamat, and Iranian identity. This paper is a study of Suhrawardi's Hayakil al-nur and its commentary by 'Allamah Dawani.