In Nietzsche's philosophy the essence of life is determined by sensible and rationally
constructed reality. Degree of sensible reality is labeled by degree of rational cognition. Rational cognition in turn depends on existential capability of individual. All of this mean the way of processing of human being life wanting heighten it determines if he overcomes his physical attitude and realizes complete cognition – episteme. According to Nietzsche's view we can defeat manlike being by rejection both physical and metaphysical affections treated separately in boundaries of one organism, and pay attention only on constructing of human being who contains these two affections inseparably linked in boundaries of one mind. This coupling transposes to virtue acquisition overcomes beyond the borders of conception of reality. I think Nietzsche used metaphor of the dragon to describe this action of achieving of cognition. But unfortunately there is no any depictions of it in his philosophical work. Moreover, there is no chance to find out any clear conceptualization of this metaphor but only
few marks which we can put in depth analysis and catch up the sense of Nietzsche's idea. It looks like Nietzsche wants to hide essence of his important idea before his work's readers. Some of them could even claims that philosopher was not able to express his ideas in straight literary way to be understood. But the question is, if Nietzsche really wants to be understood?