[author unknown]
Plato: Dramatist of the Life of Reason. By John Herman Randall, Jr Do Religious Claims Make Sense? By Stuart C. Brown Kant's Transcendental Logic. By Thomas Kaehao Swing The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce. Edited with an introduction by John J. McDermott The Moral Life. By Oliver Johnson Nihilism: a Philosophical Essay. By Stanley Rosen The Nature of Intention. By Jack W. Meiland Revelation as History. Edited by Wolfhart Pannenberg in association with Rolf Rendtorff, Trtz Rendtorff and Ulrich Wilckens. Translated by David Granskou and Edward Quinn The Christian Meaning of the Old Testament. By Norbert Lohfink, s.j. Translated by R. A. Wilson The New Temple. The Church in the New Testament. By R. J. McKelvey The Eucharist. By Edward Schillebeeckx. Translated by N. D. Smith Luther. By Gerhard Ebeling Catholic Scholars' Dialogue with Luther. Edited by Jared Wicks The Reformation Parliament 1529–1536. By Stanford E. Lehmberg Newman's University Sermons. With introductory essays by D. M. MacKinnon and J. D. Holmes.