Review [Book Review]
[author unknown]
A Companion to Wittgenstein's‘Tractatus'. By Max Black.At the Origins of the Thomistic Notion of Man. By Anton C. Pegis.Logique de la Foi. By Henri Bouillard.The Dynamic Element in the Church. By Karl Rahner, S.J. Translated by W. J. O'Hara.Éléments de théologie spirituelle. By Karl Rahner, S.J.De Deo Trino, I: Pars Dogmatica; II: Pars Systematica. By Bernard Lonergan, S.J.The Sources of Acts. By Jacques Dupont.Early Christian Rhetoric. By Amos N. Wilder.Saint Dominic and His Times. By M. H. Vicaire, o.p. Translated by Kathleen Pond.The Totalitarian Threat: the Fruition of Modern Individualism as seen in Hobbes and Rousseau. By Eugene J. Roesch.Miscellanea Taparelli: Raccolta di studi in onore di Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio, S.I. nel primo centenario dalla morte. A cura della Pontificia Università Gregoriana e della Civiltà Cattolica.Power and Poverty in the Church. By Yves Congar, o.p. Translated by Jennifer Nicholson.Married Love. By Émile-Joseph De Smedt. Translated by Jennifer Nicholson.The Experience of Marriage. Edited by Michael Novak.The Distress in the Church and the Task of the Religious.The Church and Industrial Society, by Gregor Siefer.Religion at Oxford and Cambridge, A History c 1160-c 1960. By V. H. H. Green.The Preacher's Encyclopedia. Compiled and edited under the supervision of Cardinal Angel Herrera, Bishop of Málaga. English version translated and edited by Mgr David Greenstock. Volume I: Lent and Eastertide.Paul Couturier and Unity in Christ. By Geoffrey Curtis.