Danski filozof Søren Kierkegaard duboko je proživljavao i promišljao vjeru, umjetnost i filozofiju pa, premda se umjetnosti i filozofije odrekao u ime vjere, to je samo prividno tako, jer je filozofiju sačuvao svojim izvanrednim filozofiranjem, a umjetnosti je sačuvao značajno mjesto u estetici braka i umjetnosti življenja. Što to znači estetički živjeti, i što znači etički živjeti? Kierkegaard ne polazi od estetičkog života umjetnika, već od etičkog i religioznog samoizbora koji život čini lijepim i umjetničkim djelom. Cilj nije umjetnost umjetničkog djela, već umjetnost življenja, a to je moguće samo u vjeri.Dannish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard deeply lived through and contemplated faith, art and philosophy; althought he got rid of art and philosophy in the name of faith, this was only apparently, because he have preserved philosophy by his extraordinary thinking, and he also preserved important place for the art in the aestehtics of marriage and in the art of living. What does it mean to live aestehtically, and what to live ethically? Kierkegaard does not take the life of an artist as his point of departure, but he takes ethical and religious self-choice as the source of life which makes it artistic work and the work of beauty. The goal is not the art of artistic work, but the art of living, and that is possible only through the faith