The program provides psycho-social support to foster adolescents during both their placement in foster families and in transitional period of leaving care, until they manage to cope with independent living. It is concieved as a direct answer to the needs of young people disturbed by the insecure patterns of attachment, who needed an opportunity to explore and modify negative experiences and acquire more successful models on how to build and maintain relationships, how to integrate the past, develop self-esteem and successfully enter the world of adults. It is based on the principles of community psychology, the concept of the group as the transitional object and group dynamics. It was created through interaction with the beneficiaries, with emphasis on their participation and linking with all relevant players on the local level. Applied methods: self-support groups, psychological workshops, supportive activities in socialization and social integration, trainings, educational courses, counselling service, co-operation with foster parents, schools, local community and participation activities with focus on campaigning for development of aftercare services. The Manual, which resulted from the programme, is prompting professionals to develop new services entitled to children and youth and to involve users themselves in the reforms of the system.