In teaching professional ethics to students of a particular profession , one must start from the actions which are essential within the professional practice which is central to a particular academic training. Although universities do not, as such, provide particular profession-oriented trainings, but are, in the main, inspired by scientific research, most curricula are nevertheless clearly linked to professional careers. First and foremost, we should elucidate the values at stake from an internal perspective, from within the human — and thus socioculturally determined practice which is itself oriented toward particular values.Any profession is situated in a complex field of relationships between its axiological orientation , its etiological interpretation and its therapeutic solutions .Any profession involves a collection — or a system — of problem-solving activities. They all have particular definitions of their problems, their goals and their remedies or solutions, and what is problematic, an aim or a remedy within one particular profession, may not be defined as problematic, an aim or a remedy within another profession. What is more, it is not at all the case that, within most professions, there exists a general consensus about its axiology, its etiology and its therapy. The reasons why this is the case should be the subject of scrutiny as well