Mulla Sadra and Otheologia
In this paper the writer presents an overview of the place of Otheologia in transcendent philosophy. Like other Islamic philosophers, Mulla Sadra believes that this book belongs to Aristotle, and considering the fact that the real author of this book is Plotinus, it would be more realistic to say that this paper discusses the impacts of Plotinus on Mulla Sadra's school of thought.Mulla Sadra considered the writer of Otheologia a divine sage and a prominent philosopher, whose thoughts were more commensurate with and closer to those of his comparing to the thoughts of all other philosophers before and after Islam. It is interesting to point out that according to the writer of this article, Mulla Sadra himself had become sensitive to the glaring differences between the contents of this book and the contents of Aristotle's other works, and that might be why in certain cases he attributes this book to Aristotle with doubt.Throughout the article, the writer has referred to eighteen cases where we can see the traces of Otheologia'^ influence on Mulla Sadra's philosophy.