Twenty-first century philosophy is required to re-examine the fundamental concepts upon which it is founded in order to affirm whether the course of history has caused changes in its essence and influence. One such concept is the concept of creativity, which has been tied to poietic philosophy since Ancient Greece. It is necessary to examine the validity of the division according to which creativity lies within the sphere of ποίησις, or if creativity itself has changed to such an extent throughout history that both its concept and its sphere of influence must be thoroughly re-defined. Through such inquiry, it is important to note authors who have claimed that the act of creativity lies at the basis of the concept of man, as well as authors who have indicated this as a possibility. The difference between the Old Greek τέχνη and the modern ‘technique’, the difference between man as a zoon politikon and zoon technikon, and differences in definitions of the concept of creativity all raise an important question: is the problem of creativity so fundamental that it requires a complete re examination of the philosophy of an entire era?