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Dr. Don Ihde is a philosopher of science and technology, and a post-phenomenologist. In 1979 he wrote what is often identified as the first North American work on philosophy of technology,Technics and Praxis. Ihde is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Ihde is the author of twenty original books and the editor of many others. Recent examples include Chasing Technoscience (2003), edited with Evan Selinger; Bodies in Technology (2002); Expanding Hermeneutics: Visualism in Science (1998); and Postphenomenology (1993). His most recent book is Heidegger’s Technologies: Postphenomenological Perspectives (Fordham, 2010). Ihde lectures and gives seminars internationally and some of his books and articles have been appeared in a dozen languages.