[author unknown]
Theoria 9 (3):220-233 (
Book reviewed in this article: K. E. Løgstrup: Den erkendelsesteoretiske Konflikt mel‐lem den transcendental‐filosofhke Idealisme og Teologien. (Der erkenntnistheoretische Konflikt zwhchen dem transzenden‐tal‐philosophischen Idedismus und der Theologie.) Sven Edvard Rodhe Lewis Mumford: Stadskultur. (The Culture of Cities.) Translated into Swedish by Leif Björk and Åke Malmström Bo Gerle: Mordbrännare. Kriminalpsykologisk studie pa grundval av ett svenskt rattspsykiatriskt material. (Les in‐cidiaires. Etude de psychologie criminelle basée sur des maté‐riaux suedois de psychiatrie juridique.) Religion, Humanism och Morgondagens värld (Religion, Humanism and the World of To‐morrow) Paul Tournier: Sjukdom och livsproblem. (Disease and Problems of Life.) Translated by Josef G. Jonsson. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelse George H. Preston: Psykiatri till husbehov. En populär orientering. (Psychiatry for Everyday Life. A Popular Orientation.) Translated by Arne Tallberg Wolmer Clemmensen: De religiöse Sy sterners Ind‐flydelse paa de erhvervsetiske Princippers Udvikling i Danmark fra Reformationen indtil det nittende Aarhundredes Begyndelse (The Influence of the Religious Systems on the Development of the Principles of Business Ethics in Denmark from the Reformation to the Beginning of the 19th Century) Wolmer Clemmensen: Deskriptiv Erhvervsetik (Descriptive Business Ethics)